Monday 10 May 2010

Web 3.0 - The Semantic Web

Some of the leading minds on the web are exploring new ways to sort Internet data and how to understand not just what data is about, but also how data is linked.

For example, a picture on Flickr is more than just a number of pixels and a file size. It was uploaded by a person and might contain images of other people. It might have been taken in a specific place or be about a specific moment in time. Those bits of information link that photograph to other entities: people, places, things and events. When we know how data is linked and we use that information to determine relevancy across media and sources, we’re using the semantic web.

Simply put, the semantic web gives us more than just raw data; it shows us the context and relationships behind and between those data. Here is a fascinating, entertaining and informative video that help you make sense of terms like “semantic web.”

Web 3.0 from Kate Ray on Vimeo.

A story about the Semantic Web

Interviews with:

Tim Berners-Lee

Clay Shirky

Chris Dixon

David Weinberger

Nova Spivack

Jason Shellen

Lee Feigenbaum

John Hebeler

Alon Halevy

David Karger

Abraham Bernstein

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